6 Reasons to Laugh

6 Reasons to Laugh


Need a good laugh? We all do from time to time, especially as we age.

I was reminded of this by the unfortunate passing of Robin Williams last month. The problem is that talking or writing about the health benefits of laughter is rarely funny in and of itself!

Laughter is so important that many years ago I made a habit of attending the International Conference on Humor and Creativity held in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Many of the ideas I gleaned from those conferences I tried to incorporate into my dental practice. I even had the opportunity to meet Steve Allen and his son, a practicing physician in Horseheads, N.Y. Then there is also the very interesting book by Norman Cousins, “The Anatomy of an Illness,” where he stated that “laughter is inner jogging.”

So, here it is, the six reasons why you need to laugh:

  1. Laughter increases blood flow, a positive thing for those of us that value life!
  2. Humor may raise the level of infection fighting antibodies in the body and boost the level of immune cells.
  3. Laughter can help mediate blood sugar levels in the body.
  4. People who laugh are able to relax and sleep better.
  5. Laughter can increase your personal satisfaction and help you connect with others.
  6. Laughter can lessen your depression and anxiety and will improve your mood.

Got any good jokes? Send them to me!

Any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact me or the office, Dr. Laurence Stone in Doylestown, PA, today to schedule your next appointment and we can talk more about this. See you soon!





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