Fifty Shades of Gray - A Reminiscence on Central High School

Fifty Shades of Gray - A Reminiscence on Central High School


Before I found out what the movie “Fifty Shades of Gray” was all about (obviously I did not read the book!), I thought they were talking about me. After all, this year I will be celebrating my 50th high school reunion–a very sobering thought. Gray or not, I’m just happy to still have hair!

I went to Central High School in Philadelphia, back when it was still an all-boys school. I am very proud to have had the privilege of attending Central and still carry that pride today. Although I was not one of them, the year I graduated we led the nation in Merit Scholarship Finalists (45). I did in fact receive a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Central, one of the only high schools in the country legally permitted to grant that degree. Only four of my classmates became dentists, while there were over 130 attorneys and probably as many or more physicians.

About twenty years ago my only sister needed to have some gynecological surgery. A now retired classmate of mine, Dr. Larry Seidman, performed the procedure at Rolling Hill Hospital. During the surgery he found a lymphoma on my sister’s colon incidental to the procedure. He removed it and thus saved her life. I hope to see Larry and thank him again at our upcoming reunion.

Please feel free to talk with me at your next visit about the reunion. I will be happy to share my experience. Be sure to contact me or the staff at my office, Dr. Laurence Stone in Doylestown, PA to schedule your next visit

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