What is your dental health age?

What is your dental health age?


I was reminded earlier today of a lesson I learned many years ago from a wonderful mentor I once had, Dr. Norman Schenk, one of my first employers. He taught me that much like our age in years, our age can be measured in dental health as well. For example, you could consider a youth to be someone from birth to let’s say 30, an adult to be someone from the age of 30 to maybe 75, and an elder to be someone over the age of 75. Similarly, you could consider a “dental” youth to be someone with all of their teeth even if there was some decay and gingivitis; an adult someone with some missing teeth and perhaps some decay and periodontal disease but amenable to treatment with small removable partial dentures or dental implant-supported crowns; and an elder, someone with advanced disease and perhaps many missing teeth requiring extensive removable partial dentures, implant supported dentures or complete full dentures.

The point of all this? In dentistry we have the ability to literally reverse the aging process! We can take someone who is either 70 or has the dental health of a 70 year old and with advanced dental treatments and cosmetic dental procedures give them the mouth of a 30 year old. Amazing! Ask us about this the next time you are in the office. The value of an attractive smile is priceless.

I’ve seen it time and again.

Any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact me or the office, Dr. Laurence Stone in Doylestown, PA, today to schedule your next appointment and we can talk more about this. See you soon!


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