I’ve been a coffee drinker for years and really haven’t given it too much thought. Just like you, I’ve read the articles for and against this practice every few years. However, a recent article in the publication General Dentistry (Gen Dent 2016; 64 July/August): 20-23), published by the Academy of General Dentistry, finds that moderate…
Category: General Health

The Staggering Cost of Undiagnosed Obstructed Sleep Apnea
According to a recent article posted by News Medical, a report reveals the staggering cost of undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnea in the U.S. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) released a new analysis, titled “Hidden health crisis costing America billions,” that reveals the staggering cost of undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnea. A companion report was…

Who's Your Dentist?
I know I’m probably preaching to the choir here, but over the last few months I’ve had occasion to ask several people I’ve met who their dentist was. What I heard in response was the name of some corporate entity, usually beginning with the letter “A”. When I then said: “No, I don’t think you…

What’s All The Buzz About E-cigarettes?
E-cigs are electrical devices that vaporize propylene glycol or polyethylene glycol-based liquid solutions into aerosol mists typically containing various concentrations of nicotine. Having been marketed since 2007 or so, the use of e-cigs (vaping) has now exploded to a multi-billion dollar industry primarily targeted at young people and now heavily controlled by the tobacco industry.…

Polypharmacy – Are you at risk for prescribing cascade with your medications?
As the population in the United States ages, so does the population of dental patients that are typically seen each day. One of the most noted characteristics of this group is the sheer number of prescription medications they take. The average 65 year old is taking five or more medications for a variety of reasons.…

Bucks County Veteran ID Card Discount Program - Helps Veterans Afford Area Services
A recent article by a colleague practicing in central Pennsylvania reminded me of my time in the service. I don’t talk about it that much, but for 2 years after completing my dental education I served as a Senior Assistant Dental Surgeon with The United States Public Health Service. I was assigned to the U.S. Coast…

Summer Travel Alert: Drowsy Driving Can Be as Dangerous as Drunk Driving
As you get ready to hit the road this summer to enjoy your favorite vacation spots, be aware that drowsy driving can lead to serious consequences for you, your family and others on the road. There are many reasons you can become drowsy when driving, the most important of which is lack of proper sleep.…

Do You Grind Your Teeth at Night?
A comprehensive study reported in the American College of Chest Physicians journal found that more than 8% of the population grind their teeth at night at least once a week. Half of those that grind also experience significant consequences including muscular discomfort on awakening, sleep disturbing tooth grinding and the necessity of extensive dental work.…

Saliva - What Your Spit Can Tell Us About You!
Don’t be surprised if we ask you to spit in a cup at your next dental visit! Salivary diagnostics have been slowly improving as the science grows. Human saliva is now used to diagnose many conditions such as multiple sclerosis; Sjogren’s syndrome; sarcoidosis; metabolic bone disorders; cardiovascular conditions; periodontal disease; genetic disorders; and fungal, bacterial…

Fifty Shades of Gray - A Reminiscence on Central High School
Before I found out what the movie “Fifty Shades of Gray” was all about (obviously I did not read the book!), I thought they were talking about me. After all, this year I will be celebrating my 50th high school reunion–a very sobering thought. Gray or not, I’m just happy to still have hair! I…