Having healthy teeth is not only important to your overall appearance but your oral health contributes to your overall well being. Here are 12 things you can avoid to maintain and/or achieve better oral health. Sugary Foods and Drinks Food and drinks that are sugary promote an environment that is conducive to the bacteria that cause…
Category: Oral Health

Happy New Year! from Dr. Larry Stone
As we begin the New Year I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a healthy and successful 2016. No doubt it will be an interesting and exciting year, especially with a presidential election looming ahead. The New Year always brings changes, and dentistry is no different in that regard. The familiar adage: “The…

How Long Should Your Teeth Last?
Last week our local paper, The Intelligencer (Sunday, October 25,2015), ran a terrific article by Sarah H. Kagan, PhD, RN entitled “Getting Older Doesn’t Mean You Have to Lose Your Teeth”. Dr. Kagan is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing where she specializes in geriatric issues. Being married to a geriatric nursing…

What Exactly is “Occlusal Disease”?
And what does it have to do with tricycles? Dentistry has traditionally diagnosed and treated three basic conditions relating to our teeth and their support systems: Tooth Decay (dental caries), Periodontal disease (diseases affecting the supporting structures of the teeth – the gums and bone) and Occlusal disease – those conditions affecting how the teeth…

Tooth Sensitivity
Tooth sensitivity is one of the most common complaints we see on a daily basis at the office. There can be many different causes for dental sensitivity including overzealous brushing, using a toothpaste that is too abrasive, unsupervised “whitening”, frequent consumption of acidic beverages (i.e. soda), deficiencies in the structure of the teeth, and so…

4 Dental Lessons to Learn From Your Car
Now that it’s summertime and our thoughts turn to vacations and road trips, a recent post on the American Dental Association’s website for consumers caught my attention. It discussed how Americans tend to take care of their cars pretty faithfully, and yet, we don’t often perform the same routine maintenance on our teeth. The following…

Bucks County Veteran ID Card Discount Program - Helps Veterans Afford Area Services
A recent article by a colleague practicing in central Pennsylvania reminded me of my time in the service. I don’t talk about it that much, but for 2 years after completing my dental education I served as a Senior Assistant Dental Surgeon with The United States Public Health Service. I was assigned to the U.S. Coast…

Do You Grind Your Teeth at Night?
A comprehensive study reported in the American College of Chest Physicians journal found that more than 8% of the population grind their teeth at night at least once a week. Half of those that grind also experience significant consequences including muscular discomfort on awakening, sleep disturbing tooth grinding and the necessity of extensive dental work.…

Saliva - What Your Spit Can Tell Us About You!
Don’t be surprised if we ask you to spit in a cup at your next dental visit! Salivary diagnostics have been slowly improving as the science grows. Human saliva is now used to diagnose many conditions such as multiple sclerosis; Sjogren’s syndrome; sarcoidosis; metabolic bone disorders; cardiovascular conditions; periodontal disease; genetic disorders; and fungal, bacterial…

The Tooth Fairy Is Having a Good Year!
In a recent article published in Dental Products Report it was noted that The Tooth Fairy paid a record $255 million for lost teeth in 2014! I’m not making this up – it’s true! Delta Dental reported this in the Original Tooth Fairy Poll® based on Delta Dental estimates. Apparently children are also benefiting from…