On the “Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly” show, which aired July 9, 2017, reporter Kate Snow addressed the risks involved with dentists giving children sedatives. Two families in California were profiled, and their stories were truly heartbreaking. Although most of the time it is perfectly safe, sedation can carry risk no matter what the age.…
Category: Uncategorized

Do "Bad Teeth" Run in the Family?
Now that’s a great question! Patients often tell me that their siblings or parents had bad teeth or lost their teeth and they often feel that they’re doomed to a similar fate. Nothing could be further from the truth! Take me for example.My father lost all of his teeth and his father before him (my…

The Myth of Dental Insurance
In my last blog I spoke of the inevitable changes that we will be seeing in dentistry. The dental insurance marketplace is one area that should be included in that discussion, if only because so little has changed, with the exception of how successful they have become in controlling the dental marketplace. I would estimate…

Polypharmacy – Are you at risk for prescribing cascade with your medications?
As the population in the United States ages, so does the population of dental patients that are typically seen each day. One of the most noted characteristics of this group is the sheer number of prescription medications they take. The average 65 year old is taking five or more medications for a variety of reasons.…

Fifty Shades of Gray - A Reminiscence on Central High School
Before I found out what the movie “Fifty Shades of Gray” was all about (obviously I did not read the book!), I thought they were talking about me. After all, this year I will be celebrating my 50th high school reunion–a very sobering thought. Gray or not, I’m just happy to still have hair! I…

15 Prescription Drugs That Can Lead to Dry Mouth (Xerostomia) – and why you should be worried
Xerostomia (dry mouth), is a serious dental problem affecting millions of people. Saliva has antibacterial properties and when we don’t have enough of it we can suffer from increased tooth decay and gum disease. Additionally, dry mouth makes it difficult for denture wearers to tolerate their appliances and affects our ability to taste the foods…

Obstructive Sleep Apnea - Can You Pass This Simple Test?
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is one of the most under-diagnosed and potentially most serious of all medical conditions. If untreated, it can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, and premature death. By taking this simple test below (the “STOP-BANG” questionnaire) you can determine if you are at risk for OSA. If so, speak with your…

Fluoridated water - why all the fuss?
When I read this morning that the city of Dallas, Texas was considering discontinuing fluoridating its public water supply I couldn’t believe my eyes! But it’s true! The city fathers want to save money ($1.8 million for a 3 year contract) by discontinuing the practice after nearly 50 years. Dallas would be the largest city…

Mobs, saints and dentistry – dentistry's patron saint
As we think of those who have fought for our cause this Memorial Day weekend, I thought you might be interested to learn that dentistry has a patron saint. Few are aware of this fact today, but in fact, St. Apollonia is the Patron Saint of Dentistry and the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the feast…

Safe dental restoration materials – What’s in Your Mouth?
Most people assume that whatever a dentist places in their mouth, i.e. crowns, filling materials, dentures, etc. are safe. But how do you know? Many of the products we use in daily life come from abroad and many dentists, in an effort to cut costs, are sending dental work offshore. Today it is estimated that…