The Simple Truth About a Root Canal Whoops! I missed it too! Root Canal Awareness Week was March 27 to April 2 and indeed, this week celebrated its 10th anniversary according to the American Association of Endodontists. With all of the days and weeks devoted to the myriad of causes and issues that occupy our…

CariVu - A new view at tooth decay
We are pleased to be introducing CariVu™ to our practice. CariVu is a new fiber optic trans-illumination technology from Dexis that will help us with better and earlier diagnosis of tooth decay (caries), between your teeth. Earlier detection of course, leads to more conservative and less expensive treatment options. The CariVu technology is painless, and…

Onlay vs. Dental Crown: Which is Better for Your Teeth?
Crowns and onlays are laboratory fabricated restorations that are made to restore and protect teeth that can’t be fixed with fillings, either because there was too much decay or there is too much tooth structure missing. Simply put, fillings have limitations. They just “ fill in” that part of the tooth that Is missing, but…

12 Things That Can Harm Your Teeth
Having healthy teeth is not only important to your overall appearance but your oral health contributes to your overall well being. Here are 12 things you can avoid to maintain and/or achieve better oral health. Sugary Foods and Drinks Food and drinks that are sugary promote an environment that is conducive to the bacteria that cause…

The Myth of Dental Insurance
In my last blog I spoke of the inevitable changes that we will be seeing in dentistry. The dental insurance marketplace is one area that should be included in that discussion, if only because so little has changed, with the exception of how successful they have become in controlling the dental marketplace. I would estimate…

Happy New Year! from Dr. Larry Stone
As we begin the New Year I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a healthy and successful 2016. No doubt it will be an interesting and exciting year, especially with a presidential election looming ahead. The New Year always brings changes, and dentistry is no different in that regard. The familiar adage: “The…

How Long Should Your Teeth Last?
Last week our local paper, The Intelligencer (Sunday, October 25,2015), ran a terrific article by Sarah H. Kagan, PhD, RN entitled “Getting Older Doesn’t Mean You Have to Lose Your Teeth”. Dr. Kagan is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing where she specializes in geriatric issues. Being married to a geriatric nursing…

What Exactly is “Occlusal Disease”?
And what does it have to do with tricycles? Dentistry has traditionally diagnosed and treated three basic conditions relating to our teeth and their support systems: Tooth Decay (dental caries), Periodontal disease (diseases affecting the supporting structures of the teeth – the gums and bone) and Occlusal disease – those conditions affecting how the teeth…

Who's Your Dentist?
I know I’m probably preaching to the choir here, but over the last few months I’ve had occasion to ask several people I’ve met who their dentist was. What I heard in response was the name of some corporate entity, usually beginning with the letter “A”. When I then said: “No, I don’t think you…

What’s All The Buzz About E-cigarettes?
E-cigs are electrical devices that vaporize propylene glycol or polyethylene glycol-based liquid solutions into aerosol mists typically containing various concentrations of nicotine. Having been marketed since 2007 or so, the use of e-cigs (vaping) has now exploded to a multi-billion dollar industry primarily targeted at young people and now heavily controlled by the tobacco industry.…