Xerostomia (dry mouth), is a serious dental problem affecting millions of people. Saliva has antibacterial properties and when we don’t have enough of it we can suffer from increased tooth decay and gum disease. Additionally, dry mouth makes it difficult for denture wearers to tolerate their appliances and affects our ability to taste the foods…

What is your dental health age?
I was reminded earlier today of a lesson I learned many years ago from a wonderful mentor I once had, Dr. Norman Schenk, one of my first employers. He taught me that much like our age in years, our age can be measured in dental health as well. For example, you could consider a youth…

Obstructive Sleep Apnea - Can You Pass This Simple Test?
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is one of the most under-diagnosed and potentially most serious of all medical conditions. If untreated, it can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, and premature death. By taking this simple test below (the “STOP-BANG” questionnaire) you can determine if you are at risk for OSA. If so, speak with your…

Fluoridated water - why all the fuss?
When I read this morning that the city of Dallas, Texas was considering discontinuing fluoridating its public water supply I couldn’t believe my eyes! But it’s true! The city fathers want to save money ($1.8 million for a 3 year contract) by discontinuing the practice after nearly 50 years. Dallas would be the largest city…

How's your flossing technique?
I remember the first time I learned how to floss properly. It was while working as an associate many years ago in Southampton with Dr. Norman Schenk, one of my early mentors. He was a great man. Kind to everyone, even under the most trying of circumstances. It was embarrassing because I had already been…

Mobs, saints and dentistry – dentistry's patron saint
As we think of those who have fought for our cause this Memorial Day weekend, I thought you might be interested to learn that dentistry has a patron saint. Few are aware of this fact today, but in fact, St. Apollonia is the Patron Saint of Dentistry and the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the feast…

Safe dental restoration materials – What’s in Your Mouth?
Most people assume that whatever a dentist places in their mouth, i.e. crowns, filling materials, dentures, etc. are safe. But how do you know? Many of the products we use in daily life come from abroad and many dentists, in an effort to cut costs, are sending dental work offshore. Today it is estimated that…

Mouth Guards Part 2 – It’s Not Just About Dental Injuries!
Recently I wrote a blog on mouth guards as they relate to preventing dental injuries in young athletes, and cheerleaders in particular. But there is another and possibly more compelling reason to make sure that any athlete is wearing a properly fitted mouth guard. A study on the role of mouth guards in reducing the…

Oral cancer – Why 3 is 3 Too Many
Three. That’s the number of patients I have known in my career that I have helped to diagnose with oral cancer. Doesn’t seem like a lot but believe me, you wouldn’t want to be one of them! Consider the facts: The five-year survival rate for oral cancer is only 50% and that hasn’t changed in…

Do Dental Services Come With a Warranty?
You may be surprised…most of ours do. Occasionally people ask me half-jokingly if I offer a warranty on the dental work we perform. Obviously they weren’t aware that I actually do offer a limited warranty on all dental services we provide. After all…why wouldn’t I? You deserve it and I’m proud of the work my…